Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Palo Verde, featuring Nicole J. Georges on Vox, @ Sorority House, Portland, Oregon; May 7, 2009

Here's some video footage from a show we played last summer with the lovely Nicole Georges at a house in Portland. Some dude filmed it on his phone or some other high-tech gadget. I don't remember very much about this show, other than struggling to find a suitable outlet to plug all my stuff into. I do remember slamming Red Bull before our set for the first time (this act has since become a regular ritual). Nicole was also in full form with her typewriter that night -- it's amazing that the sound of it was even audible through the wimpy p.a. It's always a treat when she joins us.

1 comment:

  1. I was over to the right. I was still working graveyard shift in early May, so I was ecstatic that the set was early enough for me to actually attend (when y'all stopped, I drove to work).
    I remember talkin to someone from Hornet Leg on the porch beforehand.
    The lack of booze/ bar didn't bother me cuz I don't need one to watch a good band (or a bad band, really) anymore. I will be more -broke- this year, so that will def continue to be.
    Nicole is great. I "subscribed" to her calendar/ zine. Talked to her a couple of times; dunno if I come off as annoying-nerd-fan to her BUT then dunno if I do to you all, either. I hope only 2/3 of that.
